Monday, November 07, 2005

Introduction and Dreams #1-3

As stated above this is a resting place, though perhaps not the final one, for many of my dreams. I hope that I can continue to call up memories from the dark of the night in order to finally put them in the light where all will see. Some of the more terrifying ones may seem quite amusing now but please, be gentle with me. I will split my dream reviews into three parts. The first part, summary, gives a short synopsis of the dream and anything I can remember about happening in it. The second part, influences is where I give any back story or information needed to understand the dream a little better, such is why I think I dreamed the way I did. The final part, overall mood, is where I will tell you the general feeling I had during the dream.
Oh, and one more thing! You have a part in this as well. I welcome you to leave your "analysis" in the form of a comment underneath the post.
The dreams are presented in the order that they occurred. These first three are recent, but I'm not positive on the dates other than the third one, which occurred last night.
...dream on

Dream #1
I'm in a class, presumably on campus here at UNCW, and it looks like a computer lab of some sort. On my keyboard is a Wal*Mart bag with 3 DVDs in it. My professor is famed filmmaker Tim Burton. Professor Burton was sitting in a roll type computer chair next to a podium in the middle of the room with his head in his hands looking like he needed a cigarette. I was nervous about doing it but I finally worked up the courage. I walked up to him and asked him to sign my copy of the DVD for "The Shining." He signed it apathetically and I happily went back to my desk where I put in back in the bag. I then had to leave the room for some reason. When I returned, to my dismay, my DVDs were gone as if someone had stolen them. I asked Professor Burton for help but I don't believe he cared very much.
Earlier the night before I had been discussing Stanley Kubbrick's film, "The Shining" with my roommate Devin. Some time before I had either thought of, or talked with Devin about how my friend Matt from back home had gotten a signed photo of Tim Burton. One of the professors I'm going to be signing up to have this coming semester is Frank Capra Jr., director of Screen Gems Studios here in Wilmington and son of "It's a Wonder Life" director, Frank Capra. Somehow I think this all got mixed in. I just find it hilarious that I asked Tim Burton to sign a movie he didn't make.
Overall Mood:

Dream #2
I've lost a lot from this dream since I actually had it, but I'll dish out what I have. The world was being taken over my 3 foot tall aliens and there was nothing we could do about it. The aliens looked exactly like "classic" ones, but short. They had big heads and big eyes and were green. They wore purple jacket suits with gold trim and carried around 1950s style lazer pistols. When they shot you, you disintegrated. For some reason, noone was fighting back. We just sat around like we were on house arrest, too terrified to go outside. At one point I was walking outside a building and a missile flew out of the roof, whirly gigged around in the air, and hit the ground very close to me. I assumed the creatures had found a secret military installment and were toying with it.
On a message board I was on the night before, a guy had an avatar that was a spinning alien head. I commented on it. The rest I blame on the film "Signs" because there was a helpless feeling like you felt in that movie.
Overall Mood:
Nervous Fear

Dream #3
Back home there is a gas station that everyone goes to called Dunn's Gas and Grocery, or Roy Dunn's. In this dream I was at an old version of this gas station that was down the road from the new one. (In reality, the new one has just been remodeled.) I believe my whole family, was with me, though specifically the only people I can remember are my Mom and my girlfriend Caroline. The "Old Roy Dunn's" was in a condemnable state, but everything looked like a sad version of what it once had been. My grandfather on my mother's side had several trinkets from his life stored in dusty piles in there. We were sorting through it. I found a GIANT bottle of whisky. Caroline leaned over and sniffed it, then so did I. As we were walking out of the room my mom proudly proclaimed something along the lines of "I could take a shot of that, no problem." Wanting her to put her money where her mouth was, I poured her a shot and we walked over to the sink, (at this point the sink was a run down version of the kitchen at my house before it was remodeled, don't ask me how the two locations combined.) Mom sipped it slightly then spewed it all out, declaring it to be a bit too much for her.
I don't know how I started dreaming about Dunn's but I think once it happened the rest can make sense. As a child my grandfather would always ride me to Dunn's on his little electric scooter for snacks. Naturally, the way Dunn's used to look will always be ingrained in my mind with these memories. My grandfather also used to work at an ABC store, which is the only way I can figure the whisky cam into play. I'm not even sure that's why. No clue why Caroline was there or why mom so boldly declared she would swig it, when she couldn't.
Overall Mood:


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