Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dream #4

The location is hard to describe. Imagine a wide grassy field that runs in a circular path around a big rock that juts out of the ground. So, a wide field that runs around the rock. On the outside of one side of the circle is a hill, or cliff that, at the top, overlooks the ground below. The dreams starts with me at the base of the hill with the field in front of me. I walk across the field to the base of the rock formation in the middle and there I find a swoop bike from Star Wars Ep. 2. There were two actually. For those of you that don't know Star Wars, a swoop is kind of like a motorcycle that floats just above the ground. The interesting thing is, the bikes were just a man-made illusion/gadgets, and in the dream I knew this. Just like in the real world there are "light sabers" that are lights in plastic tubes. It's supposed to look like the real deal, but isn't. So they were just cool gadgets, they had hidden wheels or something and ran off batteries. I hopped on one and was surprised to find that it really gave the sensation of floating while on it. I assumed it was an innovative shock absorbency system. As I'm flying around the grassy field, all of the sudden, there are children everywhere. They are cheering for me like crazy and they're so amazed by the gadget I'm on. A little later on, my RA, Bob is there. He can't stop raving about how cool it is stating that it's one of the coolest things he's ever seen.
Eventually I take it around to the far side of the field, (farthest away from the base of the hill with the cliff) and there I meet my roommate from last year's roommate from his first year. He's a guy I don't know very well and his name is Stack. He currently has very long hair but in the dream he had just gotten it cut and didn't know if he liked it. After the chit chat he got on my bike and I was left walking as we traveled to the other side where I found the bikes. I was eager to get back there so we could both have them and really impress the people over there. There was a passageway through the middle of the rock, which we took to get to the other bike...if you remember I found them at the base of the center rock.
Once we got there I hopped on and he informed me that Roach, my old roommate, had been riding it uphill a lot, so the battery was probably almost dead. Of course, after riding it around a little, I discovered that it was struggling to move well, and since everyone was gone from the field, I suggested that we go up the cliff. We took our swoops as far up as we could before there were too many boulders to go any further, at which point we began climbing.
At the top there was an observatory deck, and we were a good long ways up...as high as a big foothill. I jokingly dared Stack to jump into the lake below...which was the lake at Busch gardens that happens to be under The Loch Ness Monster roller coaster (this is another random location modification which seems to happen a lot in dreams.) He chuckled and informed me that he'd already done it, but not into the lake. He said that he had jumped off the deck and, basically cross body checked one of the visitors to the park.
Recent release of the third Star Wars movie and perhaps the fact that I played with my light saber last night could have contributed to the Swoops being there. The gleeful children and the enthralled Bob I attribute to Bob's similar reaction in real life to Matt's Batman costume which I wore to give a speech in two weeks ago. The appearance of Stack likely has to do with the fact that I walked behind him yesterday on chancellor's walk, taking special notice of his L.L. Bean Backpack that had his last name "Stackhouse" embroidered on it. The only other thing I can source is the random appearance of Busch Gardens where the field was supposed to be. That's probably because I went to Busch Gardens weekend before last.
Overall Mood:


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