Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dream #5

I'm in a church or, some assembly like it. When it's over we're all exiting through halls when I spot Harrison Ford trying to leave from a back door. He is wearing a suit with an Indiana Jones bag strapped across him. I happened to be wearing my bag as well. When I stopped him I noticed his bag was different from mine, he saw mine and was like "wow, you have an original, I couldn't find one of those as a replacement." We wend on talking about the ins and outs of the bag for quite some time before we went back into a sort of library room where he was very informative about what was going on in his life and so on. He was so impressed with me, for whatever reason, that he wanted to exchange contact information.
After we parted, some time passed, and I ended up calling him. He invited me over to his place I suppose where he had a team of amateur filmmakers assembled that he was financially supporting. He asked me to be on the team...I agreed hastily. The only person on the team that I recognized was"Chris Baker" and there was much insanity. When I woke up I was cheesed off that I hadn't actually been discovered.
I had a dream a few days back in which I was at a dinner honoring Harrison Ford. That's the only place I can figure he came from. I also heard a story of Abraham Lincoln sneaking into the back of a Presbyterian church last night, so perhaps that's where the idea of famous people in church came from. I actually do have that Indiana Jones bag, and I wear it to church with my Bible in it quite often. I can't explain what Chris Baker was there other than to say that I read his blog a couple of days ago and was fascinated by his stories of working on an actual shoot. I don't actually know him at all, but my cousin David does, and so does my friend Katie Mac from Caswell. In all honesty...this is a retarded dream...sigh
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