Friday, December 02, 2005

Dream #6 & #7

I had 2 distinctly different dreams last night (having slept 12 hours) so I'll give them to you both in one lump summary and post...

In the first dream I was back home in four oaks. A group of friends and acquaintances had decided to play a game of baseball and invited me. I haven't played baseball since I was a child, but I agreed to go. We went just outside of town to a place where there was a baseball diamond out in the woods. There was a path through the woods that led to a clearing where the old field was still at. I remember being scared because they wanted me to be catcher and I didn't have any protective gear. I put on my sister's old black glove, which has her name burned into it, and we started practicing. Every time I'd throw the ball I involuntarily threw it like a girl and it fell to the ground. I eventually went back home to get something but ended up staying there and missing the game. It was dark by this point but I remembered I left my car (in actuality it was my girlfriend's mother's car, a Dodge Durango) at the field and I needed someone to take me out there to get it. Before I left I noticed shadows moving around outside the back porch of my house and the dog went crazy barking. I freaked because I knew it was someone trying to break in the house. Just then dad came home and they bugged out. Then dad, melissa, elizabeth, and I all went out to the field to get my car. Melissa had been playing and she said that her team had lost. When we got there it was day somehow and I went wandering away from the field while they messed around. I remembered that diagonally across the street from the mouth of the path that led to the field we were at, there used to be a softball field that my sisters played at when we were younger. I walked down the path through the woods and across the street to where the softball field was supposed to be. Before I could take a good look at it I started hearing the most awful squealing noise as if an animal were in pain or in a struggle. It was coming from the path that I had just left. I crept back across the road to get a peek and when I looked to the path I saw a big brown Bear ripping a wild boar all to pieces. It was gruesome. The pig kept squealing for a long time and I snuck back across the street in fear of the bear. There I waited and tried to call my dad but my cell had no service. Looking over the fence of the property where the softball field had been, I could see the bear resting under a bush. Then my sisters showed up and we talked about it and they were able to get dad.


The second dream I don't remember as well. It starts outside of my house and we suspect it's haunted or we feel it could become haunted if we do something. Well, we do it. We're trying to find out the name of the ghost that haunts it. I'm standing on the front lawn looking up at the porch swing that my mom and dad are sitting on and I see a gray figure appear next to them standing up. It slowly gains detail and it becomes my Uncle Staley (who died a few years back.) We weren't that scared because we weren't afraid of my uncle, then we went in the house. In the house there was a weird feeling. Everything looked like my house but the decorations were different, a lot darker and creepier. No lights and a lot of brass and candles. All around us every window would fog up all of the sudden, then on the windows a face print would appear. Every window had a different face. I ran all over the house afraid because every room I went to the windows would start fogging up and a different face would appear and look at me. I couldn't get away.

For the first dream I don't have any clue where baseball came from. I know that the area of town we were in IS actually close to where my sister's used to have softball games. The burglars might have been product of my family's discussion on getting a home security system for the house. The bear and the boar are totally inexplicable, but very frightening. I felt that it could have been me since I had just been there...or I could be next.
For the second dream, I believe the fear feeling from the bear might have carried over to ghosts. My family had also been heavily involved in the first dream so perhaps that is how they got carried over as characters in the second one.

Overall Mood:


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