Monday, July 31, 2006

Dream #12

I was either a) with a group of people, b) with just my girlfriend, or c) by myself. In any case I was about to get on a cruise ship and it just so happened that Caroline had been on that very ship before, and slept in the same cabin that I was about to have to sleep in alone. She told me about how when she stayed in there the ghost of a bearded old captain appeared next to or in front of her bed and warned her against being there. It said some scary things and wanted her to leave. I can't remember if, in the dream, I ever got the courage up to spend the whole night but I remember being in the cabin and being very afraid that the old sea captain would re-appear for me.

A few days ago I was talking to Caroline about how good of a deal cruise ships are for the money considering all the ports of call you get to visit.

Overall Mood:
Worry and pretty serious fear.