Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dream #17

I really hate myself for not writing this one down earlier because I had it two days ago (during a nap) and I remembered a lot more about it then than I do now. Anyway, I was sort of like an undercover agent. I had been sent in by someone to sort of spy on this preacher guy who I think was leading some crazy religious movement. The suspicion was that he was really corrupt, and you just got a bad feeling being around him, but there was no dirt on him. He was a tall, overweight man with a brown beard and brown hair. I went to his place to pretend to be interested in what he was doing. I asked him stuff about his ministry and he was thrilled to tell me about it but I can remember feeling so uneasy, either because I was afraid that I was going to get caught, or because he just made me feel really uncomfortable. I think it was both.
So, somehow there is a girl that is guiding me through it on a headset and suddenly I'm Asian and I'm working for him in his Chinese fast food place as a cook. He just hired me. For some reason, I had to have a stand in sometimes so we got a guy that kind of looked like me. Eventually the preacher dude caught the stand in and caught me and called me into his office. I was terrified - but he just fired me.

Wide and varied. I went to a Christian retreat this weekend and the speaker kind of looked like this guy in the dream, but not really. I had a kind of epiphany about some of what I see as corruption in the church, which is probably what had me thinking about people who were doing the wrong thing in it. The other thing is the movie that I saw a week or two ago with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis, "Perfect Strangers." In that movie Berry plays a journalist that tries to dig up dirt on a scary man by working in his company. He catches her at one point and it was pretty tense, but he let her go - much like in my dream. As far as being asian, the only thing I can figure is that I went to Hibachi Express not long ago (about 4 days before).

Overall mood:


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