Monday, December 29, 2008

Dream #19

The earliest part that I can remember (but it seems like it was going long before this), I was walking with my mother and sister through some old, 17th century European looking back alleys and we came to a staircase with a landing and two flights that ended at a a red wooden door on the side of a stone house. When we went in, we found ourselves in a Boy Scout lodge. Yes, I'm aware that the Boy Scouts don't have lodges. Anyway, there was a really ancient looking boy scout sitting at a desk in the lobby room and he asked us if we wanted any brochures on the forest. This is when we realized we were in a forest and not in the village. The village just ended at that point and we must have climbed up a ledge into the Boy Scout Lodge. It was a really nice log cabin place with high ceilings.
Skip to me staying there, alone. I had a room that I was staying in and I knew that I was living on the kindness of the Boy Scout overseer guy, whom I could tell was uncomfortable with letting me stay there but didn't have the heart to kick me out. Eventually I came back in and the bed was gone and lots of stuff was in the room. I knew he must have moved it to get rid of me. When I found him he told me that he'd been asked to move it out and that they couldn't help me anymore, and that he was sorry. I went outside and found the "bed" which was now a raft for some reason and floating in an intense stream that went under a bridge and right by a dock next to the room I had been staying. I think that I took the raft somehow over the big waterfall and back up to a chill point where the water branched further-upstream. Then JaySun Webb shows up and we're chatting.
This is weird and hard to describe. There is a huge grate, like a fence, at one broad point in the stream before the part that branches off to the waterfall, the dock, and the Boy Scout lodge. My raft gets loose and gets stuck near this grate on a wall that is built to hold the water back on either side of it. I'm in a mild panic to get it back. For some reason I have to strip down to my underwear to get it. About that time, it gets loose and flows down the waterfall toward the boy scout house and I notice that JaySun has stripped down to his underwear to help in the recovery. Then, miraculously, the stream shuts off in the middle (Moses, anyone?). About that time a Jeep FILLED with Caswell BDT staff comes rolling through the water on the now clear creek-bed. They turn when they get to us and drive down toward the boy scout house. I throw on my, (completely dry), clothes and follow them in hot pursuit. JaySun follows me, still mostly unclothed. When we get there some of the BDT are cracking jokes on us, (I don't know why in my case, but in JaySun's because he's wearing whitey tighties). I go under or into the building, and pick up the raft. It is so wet and soggy, like ruined cardboard or a chewed up toothpick, that it falls apart when I pick it up. I carry out the biggest piece I can get. As we're walking away, some of the nice BDT girls come up and talk to us, and JaySun in noticeably embarrassed. They bring him an oversized coverup T-shirt, the same type they give campers at the pool and beach when they don't follow dress code. He doesn't put it on but instead holds it in front of himself to cover up. Presumably, we walked away.

Well, for the boy scouts bit, I found an old photograph of myself in cub scouts a few days ago while cleaning my room. I also talked about little league with Joe last night and that was sort of the same thing at the same time in my life. Maybe that's where it came from. As for walking with Mom and Melissa, we went walking yesterday. The overseer in the boy scout lodge is a projection of how I see my supporters for CCF, (some of them, certainly not all), in that I worry I'm a strain to them and they just would like for me to move on. Also, as CCF intern I sleep at a lot of different places in Raleigh. JaySun's appearance could be for any reason, I talk to him a lot. The BDT's arrival on the jeep is most likely due to my thoughts being on Caswell a lot lately since I'm going to visit there on the first for staff reunion. I have no clue about the underwear, unless it was just a way of embarrassing myself in the dream. I felt worse for the dreamed up JaySun, though.

Overall Mood:
((grumble grumble)), piece of crap...


Blogger JaySun said...

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8:47 AM  
Blogger JaySun said...

just for starters I am flatted you dream of me in my underpants and we are frolicking in a body of water. But I must say that I only think of you as a friend nathan I thought we covered that. Oh and I havent worn tightie whities since the 5th grade.

Love you always or until I find a female replacement,

8:48 AM  

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