Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dream #21


This was sort of two dreams that bled into one. In the first one I was with my father in my house trying on a new suit. For some reason this suit had a hood. It was tan, plaid, and had a hood that had two corners to tie together under your head. The doorbell rang and I went to get it. Before I could get to the door a gust of wind (or something) blew my suit off ( I was fully clothed underneath) and try as I might to get it back on it just kept getting more and more flipped inside out and tangled, so in the interest of time I left it and answered the door.
At the door was an incredibly elderly gentleman who introduced himself as being 98 and having lived in a house near ours many years ago. He asked me if I could help him recognize the house and showed me 3 ancient photographs of straight-faced turn-of-the-century folk standing on the porch of a very old house. Around this time my dad walked up and took a look.
"Looks, like you've found it - that's our house!" dad said.
Upon closely re-studying the photo I could see that dad was right, I had just been picturing it being taken from the wrong angle. The old man wanted to tour so my dad happily obliged. At some point here I stepped outside to admire the outside of our house. Turns out, we had a big tower with a dome over it and it was about twice the size that it is in real life. I thought to myself, "hrmph, I wonder why mom and dad never showed me those other rooms before. Dad took the old man through all the rooms that we had kept locked down and hidden away since as far back as I can remember. There was a banquet hall, a theater, a library, etc., all of which was beautifully furnished in Victorian style. After the old man left, I don't remember asking my parents any questions, but I decided that I was going to go check all the rooms out myself and go to the top tower myself.
A small amount of exploring later, I was terrified to find that mom and dad had shut it off for a reason. It was, (of course), haunted. Loud noises pronounced displeasure in my being there as I explored and at the top of the tower the bells started ringing themselves. I was very scared.
The second dream, if you can make the distinction, had to do with Transformers. I had convinced myself that Transformers 2 hadn't come out yet - that the one that was just released earlier this summer was bogus and that the end of the summer version was the real deal. Somehow, I was in this movie. I don' know if they were filming it with me or if it was just real, but I was in it. The movie started out with these really cheesy live-action special effects that had me thinking, "Uh, really guys? This is the best you got? We are not going to beat the other version with this," but then it pulled out from it and it turns out to have been on a T.V. screen. The real movie then started and the special effects were better. In this version the transformers could just leap from vehicle to vehicle. In the part I was in we were having to hide from the bad guys in a house so we leapt into some toys, one of which may have been a teddy bear.

Where to start? The old guy coming to the door was reminiscent of an occasion when this actually happened and with the alumni reunion we had a couple of weeks ago at Caswell in which a lot of old staffers came back and told stories of the good old days. The suit I was wearing at the beginning is pretty obvious. In my job hunt it has become necessary to shop for suits so I have been doing that lately. The extra rooms on my house looked a lot like the rooms from the Reichstag building in Call of Duty: World at War, which I was playing last night. I saw transformers earlier this summer and hearing people talk about G.I. Joe made me think back to the old cartoons of the 80's. Last night same read me a story about a teddy bear that clogged a drain and killed 1500 fish. That may be the teddy bear tie-in.

Overall Mood:
This is creepy - but cool...


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