Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Dream #16

Summary: had a couple I think. All the details are foggy. In the first one I was with the entire Caswell summer staff in a store like a Best Buy. Basically all I did was walk around and look at crap while everyone else moved around in a huge huddled mass. Josh Sullins took a seat at a computer with a crazy magnifying glass in front of it. It was like one of those reading magnifying glasses.
In the second dream (or second part of the first dream) I was Batman and was fighting what I can only assume was the joker and his little female sidekick. The weird this is that it was almost like a turn-based video game fight. We walked around the room and took shots at each other. For some reason I had Odd Job's hat from the 007 series. At the beginning of the fight I threw it and barely grazed the joker's arm. Much later in the fight I went over and picked it up and but instead of using it on joker I aimed it at his side-kick and completely decapitated her. Then I think the dream ended.

I hung out with a few Caswell folk last night and Josh was there. Also, I recently missed summer staff reunion and have been thinking about that. Electronic stores could come up in a dream at any time, knowing me. For the second part I don't really know other than I watched Batman Begins at the beginning of winter break and have been following the upcoming Dark Knight via trailers.

Overall Mood:
Doot doo dooooo.