Monday, January 30, 2006

Dream #10

I had this dream last night, it isn't overly narrative. I just remember some interesting random bits.

I'm in the arctic with a random girl and two poachers with their guns. We have a captive panda. Somewhere in "Official Authority Figure Land" a television or radio news report insists that the panda be released because they are a protected species. I watch as the men release the panda which runs skidding across the ice before one man shoots his shotgun and part of the panda explodes. Before the rest of the panda comes skidding to a halt a second shot rings out from the other poacher that tears the rest of the panda in half while creating a hole in the ice under it. The head and most of the panda's body sink into the water leaving one chunk of bright red meat on the ice. It was very graphic. One of the poachers then hands me a small piece of the panda which I sample. It has a taste that is a strange mix of watermelon and meat. The poachers divide the rest of the meat into four equal portions and put it into big goblet type cups. He hands me mine and the others start eating. I resolve not to eat mine and offer it to whoever wants it. The girl next to me quickly accepts, but does issue remorse for the death of the panda.

All I have for this one is that I have a thing with pandas. I got my girlfriend a stuffed one for Valentines day last year and since we got into quasi fight last night before I went to bed, maybe my brain put some stuff together.

Overall Mood:
Simpathy and Disgust


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