Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dream #13

It took place at my church back home. Mr. Valton had to speak on behalf of the church at a business meeting, passing some rule because someone in the church had been disrespectful to the church or damaged the property or something. After he made his statement people stood up and clapped. I ran down the isle then came back and was seated. Then we had special guests at the church, a small stringed symphony. They played a few songs and then my mom, cousin, and sister got up to sing with their last song. It was really funny because mom had taken it upon herself to be a sort of emcee and was clowning around.
Following the service, we went outside. Immediately the outside of my church was rural Harnett county and there was a “lake” that was really an obstacle course that you went through with a fake pistol. Stuff would jump out at you (zombies and the like) but it was all fake and meant for fun. I wanted to take the trail but no one else did.

Um. I guess thinking about going home soon for Christmas led to the church. The symphony was a product of some classical I had been listening to the night it happened. The lake? Resident Evil.

Overall Mood:


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