Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dream #15

I woke up and went back to sleep for about an hour this morning. At first Roach, my old roommate, and I were walking around outside of my new apartments. When we walked away from them there we ran into Catherine, a girl who used to go here and lived in the dorm with us. I said hey to her and then we kept walking. I wondered when she started back at UNCW.
I told Roach I was going to church and he decided to come along. Apparently there were a lot of churches on campus, Roach kept assuming it would be one of them but it was the church in a valley at the back of campus that I wanted to go to. It was called Liberty Church (there was a statue of liberty in the sanctuary - gold) and there were some old people inside talking about how a group of young people they had planned on coming said they were going somewhere else for the morning. This apparently caused a problem with the meal they were preparing for after church. You had to pay for a plate and they didn't know if enough people would buy one now to make their money back. Roach and I took a seat at the long table outside the sanctuary - I could tell he was interested in the food. I told him he had to pay for it. Someone came down from a small room upstairs complaining that something wasn't working up there. We went up there and Roach (or some other random person that I don't remember) said something to the effect of "Well of course is isn't going to work with all this light in here." He covered up the stained glass window and began an incantation. Bats swarmed the room and each of them landed on a different pane of the now dark stained glass window. They started beating their wings and it was apparent their shape fit the panes perfectly. The glass finally shattered and we fell into a dark vortex.

The next thing I remember is being in an open air building on an urban street. There was a big window where I could look across the street and easily see the roof of that building. I was standing with whoever I was with when I noticed a man in a suit on that roof with a pistol pointed in our general direction, he looked as if here were questioning whether or not to shoot us. He must have decided against it because he walked away. Several minutes later I decided to investigate. This part of town must be deserted because I could walk right into the building, and it's like there was nothing there. I ran into him going up the steps and he just kind of looked at me.
On the roof I discovered the wall and floors were splattered with yellow paint. It was done as if to cover up blood. When I investigated further I found spots where the yellow and red mixed, around a crow bar and on the wall where someone was apparently struck. It's like he splattered paint over most of it but missed a few spots. When I realized that a murder happened up there, that's when I woke up.

We talked about a picture that Roach gave me that I have in my room yesterday.That probably got me thinking about Roach. I think I pulled the church (with the food) from the church we've been going to here in Wilmington. It's kind of close to campus. It's actually very similar, just a lot bigger than my imagined church. The vortex and the bats - I have no clue. I can kinda guess about the black suit man on the roof. My current roommate went to D.C. this weekend and I might have been remembering my childhood experience in D.C. when I thought it was so interesting that there with men on the roof of the White House with guns.
The yellow paint seems like a rip-off from some graphic novel, I can't be sure though.

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